Hello World!

“Friends seen and unseen I greet you with the holy word Peace” – Prophet Omega

As a tip of the hat to the Apollo 13 team, I have decided to launch my newest Endeavour. today, Friday, November 13, 2020 at 13:13 Eastern Standard Time. I was told on July 27 that the project I was working on at Universal Creative would be ending. Given the current state of the world, I was saddened and scared. I turned to the great philosopher Dr. Seuss, who soothes the world by writing, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Now it is time to look to the future while still smiling.

I have been fortunate to receive great support from people within the Theme Park and Audio Video industries. Due to COVID, I am far from the only one who has been looking for employment. There is no such thing as a good time to be unemployed but during a pandemic is an even more extraordinary time to be looking for work.

One cannot have comedy without tragedy, King Kong without Ann Darrow (played by Fay Wray), or sadness without happiness. We are changing from the sad part of an indefinite pause to the happy part of the unwritten future. Each of us decides what we will do next. Yes, the Pandemic changes many things, but how it changes us hasn’t been written. We influence our own future, keeping in mind that in doing so we also influence the future of others.

Three years ago, when I was laid off from Harman, I considered starting my own consulting firm, however the selection of opportunities available at the time lead me to put that idea on hold. Again, given the current state of the world, I have no reason (read that as excuse) to not take the leap. Is it a great time to make this decision? I am not sure; I don’t think anyone can know what is coming.

Yes, I am concerned, nervous, and scared right now, but I am taking the leap and I am doing something about it. Today I launch “ADVISIST”.

In the past three-plus decades of working in professional audio, video, and lighting I have had many roles. I have been a student, a teacher, an operator, a technical manager, a specifier, a designer, a fabricator, and an installer. I have performed these roles in various guises. I have worked for integration firms, I have worked for manufacturers, and now I have worked as a technical manager. This history is what I am drawing on as our company moves forward. As they say, no man is an island and behind every great man stands a woman pushing him forward. Yes, my wife Jennifer has been doing that for this project.

Advisist will not be a typical firm. The way we work has evolved as have world conditions. The “gig” economy and temporary staffing have proven that sometimes all that is needed is help for the short term, which is perfectly reasonable. The goal is long-term relationships that are beneficial to both parties while not saddling either with unneeded expenses.

There are five main beliefs that are guiding the new company. These are not the mission statement; those things are hard to write. The five main guiding principles are:

  • People Over Profit
  • Do What Is Right
  • Open Communication
  • Support People and Companies We Know
  • We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone

I have gotten this far in life and my career by preparing as best I can, then showing up and seeing what happens. Yes, there is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy infamous quote of, “Don’t Panic.” It is good advice, but I do feel that embracing the fear and doing something anyway is the better way to live. No one’s future is certain. All anyone can do is prepare as best they can, show up, and see what happens.

Elbert Hubbard wrote, “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.”
It was made famous by Bugs Bunny in 1960’s cartoon Rabbit’s Feat. Pretty good advice.

Peace and good health to all, always.

Bradford Benn
November 13, 2020 13:13 EST